Early Help Offer- Support for Parents
Early Help Offer
At Frimley Junior School, we believe the health and well-being of our children underpins every aspect of school life. Parenting could be considered one of the most important tasks most of us will ever do, but it can also be the most challenging. Every family faces different pressures and difficulties at different times. Through our school values, and working alongside parents, we can offer early help and support, or signpost to other services to help families through difficult times and prevent them from falling into crisis. Asking for help is often hard, but please be assured the staff at Frimley aim to provide support, advice and guidance in a friendly, confidential and non-judgemental manner.
School Family Link Worker (FLW):
We have a Family Link Worker Service which parents can access via:
Our FLW works holistically and effectively with parents in ways that will improve their child’s well-being. They offer a non-judgemental listening ear to families, recognising their concerns and barriers to current systems. They work with families and the school to enable children and young people to have full access to educational opportunities and overcome the barriers to learning. A FLW is able provide relevant information about and access to appropriate support services and opportunities that enable parents to support their child in the most appropriate way. They are able to plan, offer and deliver parenting support- please see the link at the bottom of the page to the Family Link Worker information and self referral flyer.
General Family support
Family information service
Family Information Service - Surrey County Council (surreycc.gov.uk)
Offer a free impartial information and signposting service on all aspects of family life for parents. This includes advice on childcare, family finance, parenting courses
Family Learning
Family Learning for parents and carers - Surrey County Council (surreycc.gov.uk)
Family Learning courses and workshops are free for parents, carers and grandparents to help you create a better family life. If you want to help your child or teenager to improve their behaviour, development and learning, a Family Learning course is for you. The tutors are supportive and knowledgeable, and classes are relaxed, informal and delivered online.
Home Start
Getting Support | Home-Start Surrey Heath
Home-Start Surrey Heath is a local charity which was set up in 1989 in response to an identified need for a support service for families in the Borough of Surrey Heath families. The service is free at the point of access, completely independent and available to all. Home-Start Surrey Heath recruits and trains volunteers from the local area then carefully match the volunteers with an appropriate family. The supported family must have at least one child under the age of five. The volunteer visits the family in their own home once a week. Families say what a huge difference it makes to their lives to have that support at a time of need, often describing the volunteers as “a ray of sunshine” or a “life-line”.
Surrey Young Carers
Young carers (under 18) | Action for Carers
Surrey Young Carers support young people who help care for someone who has an illness, a disability, or is affected by mental ill-health or alcohol/substance misuse. The service supports children from Year 1 upwards.
Specific Family Support
Parenting support
Surrey Heath family centre
Surrey Heath Family Centre | Barnardo's (barnardos.org.uk)
Offer several parenting courses and support services for families. These include:
- Parenting (Courses for parents of children aged 0-5 and 5-11)
- Who's in Charge? (Child to Parent violence): this is a 1-1 course and is dependent on staff capacity
- Freedom (Domestic Abuse): this is a 1-1 course and is dependent on staff capacity
- Baby & Me (A group for babies and their parents experiencing isolation and who want to learn strategies to improve bonding and attachment
Mental Health Support
School mental health support team- see flyer below.
Home :: Mindworks Surrey (mindworks-surrey.org)
Mindworks is the Children and Young People's Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health Service. Through their website you can access information and advice, ask for help or support. They also have a chat function for urgent help.
Offer easy access to mental health talking therapies to adults across Surrey
Home :: Mind Matters - NHS Talking Therapies: Surrey and Borders Partnership (mindmattersnhs.co.uk)
Financial Support
Citizen advice Bureau
Citizens Advice | Home (citizensadvicesurreyheath.org.uk)
Shelter do not just support the homeless. They can offer impartial advice with regard to housing problems, benefits and money problems.
Council cost of living support
Cost of Living financial support available - Surrey County Council (surreycc.gov.uk)
Information regarding benefits you may be eligible for
Food banks
Find a Food Bank - The Trussell Trust
Love into Action | Besom in Camberley (thebesomincamberley.com)
Old Dean Community Group and St Martin's Church run a Free Food Stall every Sunday from 12.30-1.30pm in the Youth Centre, Old Dean.
St Martin’s Church also run a Free Community Breakfast at St Martin's Church Hall, Old Dean, on Sundays from 10-10.40am. St Martin’s Church also offer the free Wednesday and Saturday Cafe from 10-11.30am, - both cafes serve free refreshments and everyone is welcome.