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Quality Improvement Plan

Every year, the Headteacher and staff (working alongside the AQC and representatives from the Prospect Trust) reflect on the successes and areas for development in all aspects of the school. The result of that self-evaluation is the QIP (Quality Improvement Plan). This is a vital document to drive forward school improvement and enables leaders to put on paper the priorities for the academic year.   

The 8 key priorities for 2023-2025 are: 

1.  Every learner is provided with the opportunity to make progress and achieve high success rate through the KS2 curriculum.

2. Every teacher is confident in teaching disadvantaged learners (including the bottom 20%) and delivers a curriculum that enables them to make maximum progress.

3. Reduce the number of incidents of poor behaviour beyond the classroom by having high expectations at all times.

4. All children actively participate in all lessons.

5. All members of the school community are provided with timely and appropriate support in order to help support their well-being and help them to flourish.

6. The school is visible within, and open to, the local community to promote the school as “school of choice” within the local area.

7. All leaders take accountability and are responsible for school wide improvements.

8.  Establish wider and global links in order to develop all members of the school community as global citizens and courageous advocates.

Please find below the QIP for 2024-2026 showing the actions we intend to take this year towards these priority areas: