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Online Safety

Online Safety at Frimley Church of England School

Computing and Online Safety Leader: Ailsa Reehal

Online Safety Deputy DSL: Rachel Jones

Being online is an integral part of children’s lives. Social media, online games, websites and apps can be accessed readily through mobile devices, computers and laptops – all of which form a part of our children’s online world.

The internet and online technology provides new exciting opportunities for children’s learning and growth, but it can also expose them to new types of risks and dangers. At Frimley Junior School, the safety of our children is of paramount importance to us. We have an important duty, not only to protect and safeguard our children when they are using the internet but also to educate them about the potential risks of the internet and how to deal with the dangers they may encounter when online.

We believe that children have the right to enjoy their childhood online, to access safe spaces, and to benefit from all of the opportunities that a connected world can bring them. As they grow older, it is crucial that they learn how to balance the benefits offered by technology with a critical awareness of the impact that theirs and others’ online behaviours can have on those around them. Through regular PSHE lessons, weekly online safety assemblies and through regular discussions with our children, they learn how to use ICT safely, respectfully and responsibly and to develop the knowledge and behaviours needed to be able to navigate the online world safely and confidently regardless of the app, platform or device they are using.  They are taught how to evaluate what they see online, how to recognise techniques used for persuasion, to understand what acceptable and unacceptable online behaviour is, how to identify online risks and when and how to report concerns about online content, contact and conduct so that the time they spend online is a positive one.

As set out in the Education for a Connected World framework, we explore the following topics in more detail throughout the year in a way that is appropriate to the children’s age and stage of education. We explore self-image and identity, online relationships, online reputation, cyber-bullying, managing information online, health, well-being and lifestyle, privacy and security, and copyright and ownership.

Our staff receive regular training on online safety through National Online Safety. These courses meet the statutory online safety safeguarding duties outlined in the Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) September 2023 guidance. Some staff also receive additional online safety training through CEOPS (The Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre). You will find the CEOPS reporting button added to our website which can be used to gain assistance with or report any concerns you may have about online grooming or sexual abuse. CEOPS is directly linked with the National Crime Prevention agencies.

We use Securly for filtering and monitoring; blocking inappropriate sites and restrictions. In classes we also use Apple Classroom to monitor what children are using the iPads for at all times. We also have a Palo Alto firewall to block and monitor and to keep our network safe from any unauthorised or malicious activity.

We have been awarded certificates of both commitment and progress from (Online Safety Self-Review Tool for Schools | 360safe) online for our work in school on online safety.


For parents

As well as keeping children safe in school, it is vital that we work in partnership with our parents and carers to keep children safe when online at home.  Below is a list of websites that you may find useful if you wish to learn more about keeping your child safe online. We understand that if an incident occurs outside of school, such as cyber bulling, it can be difficult to know how to seek help. Although our teachers are always willing to give advice, these dedicated organisations have a wealth of knowledge that you may find useful in such situations.

The following websites provide information and advice for parents if you are concerned about your child’s internet safety.

The NSPCC website remains one of the best sites available for advice and support on keeping children safe online. Covering topics such as social media, online wellbeing and inappropriate images, it is well worth exploring.

Internet Matters are an organisation that provide expert guidance and support for parents and professionals on how to keep children safe online.

The ThinkUKnow website, created by CEOP, contains a wide range of activities and games that children can use to better their understanding of staying safe online.

The Parentzone website provides advice for parents on a range of websites and games, ranging from Snapchat and Instagram to Fortnite and Minecraft.

The Parent Info website provides high quality information to parents and carers about their children's wellbeing and resilience.  It covers a wide range of subject matter, from difficult topics about sex, relationships and the internet or body image and peer pressure to broader parenting topics like 'how much sleep do teenagers need?'

Childnet is an organisation dedicated to making the internet a safe place for young people. This page has information and advice for parents, including a section on how you can report an online risk or concern.

The Child Exploitation and Online Protection are a law enforcement agency that deals with online criminal abuse. If you are worried about sexual abuse or the way that someone is talking to your child, then please contact this page.

National Online Safety Guides

Below are a series of useful parental guides about popular apps and games from National Online Safety that your children may be using or playing. They give useful advice and guidance about potential risks and how you can set parental controls to ensure you keep your child safe whilst at home.




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