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Child Care Provision

Frimley Child Care Provision

The before school provision at Frimley is run by staff members of Frimley Junior School, and the after school provision is provided by Complete Coaching.   The childcare provisions take place in the Hall. 

Morning Club runs from 7.50 am until the start of the school day and costs £3.00 per session.The club is run from the school hall and a nominated adult must sign children in. Children can choose activities including playing outside whenever possible. 

There is a maximum of 40 places available on a first come first served basis. Pre-booking is essential and is made using our online Tucasi facility. Please see the following quick guides for help on setting up your account or using the checkout. 2.4SCOQuickReferenceGuideOnlinePaymentsParentsAccounts 2.4SCOQuickReferenceGuideOnlinePaymentsParentsCheckout


The after-school provision is provided by Complete Coaching.  

Please use this link to book sessions and for more information about this provision:   

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