PSHE & Relationship Education
PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) & Relationship Education is a subject which gives us a strong sense of belonging and community and develops our understanding of: relationships, well-being, self-worth, goal setting and self-development.
Leader: Anna Stroud
At Frimley, we believe the health and wellbeing of our children underpins every aspect of school life. The Jigsaw PSHE scheme of work (a mindful approach) covers all areas for the primary phase including the 2020 statutory requirements for Relationships and Health Education. It links to SMSC and British Values and through this scheme we are covering all aspects of the curriculum outlined by the government. Jigsaw is a comprehensive and carefully thought-out scheme of work which brings consistence and progression to the children’s learning. It gives the relevant context to build self-esteem, confidence and resilience. The curriculum will enable the children to make informed decisions about their wellbeing, health and relationships and will build their self-efficacy through discussion and choice. There are 6 learning themes (Being Me in My World, Celebrating Difference, Healthy Me, Relationships, Changing Me, Dreams and Goals) and these are taught across the school. The learning deepens and broadens each year.
- We use a mastery-based curriculum that is progressive and broken into modules – in PSHE, children explore themes and concepts in various contexts and build the skills, knowledge and awareness to apply these to their own context and life.
- The 6 learning themes in PSHE are revisited each year with increasing complexity – this allows children to revise and build on their previous learning.
- Teachers deploy the Rosenshine principles, where appropriate in PSHE lessons, to support the teaching and learning process: reviews of previous learning, new information is presented in small steps, high-level questioning, carefully considered models, guided practice, checks for pupil understanding, obtainment of a high success rate, scaffolds for difficult tasks, opportunities for independent practice and reviews of learning over extended periods.
- The children have weekly lessons which last approximately an hour.
- Every lesson starts with a reminder of the PSHE rules which are displayed in each class.
- Lessons are planned using the comprehensive planning (including recommended questions for discussion) from the Jigsaw scheme and adapted to suit the cohort.
- Various learning activities are used to enhance the learning experiences of all: these include group discussions and debate, drama activities, artwork and individual tasks.
- Each lesson will end with a Frimley-style reflection & self-assessment evaluation which will be monitored (in books). This will give the children a chance to demonstrate what they have learnt and taken from the lesson and to voice their opinions and viewpoints.
- We extend the development of PSHE through assemblies, Enrichment Days, Charity Days, Feeling Good Week and Mental Health Week amongst other activities.
- A well-being team, led by the PSHE lead, works together to promote well-being and to provide opportunities for all to participate in activities that support this.
- A well-being newsletter is sent to parents half-termly to signpost support for families in this area.
- Links to careers in PSHE and related fields are made to show how children’s learning links to the wider world of work.
- As well as learning walks to observe teaching and learning, the Book Study approach is used to monitor the effectiveness of the PSHE curriculum, teaching and learning, to identify strengths and areas for development in provision and to garner pupil voice.
Children will:
- Develop resilience and responsibility towards their learning and other people.
- Develop compassion and respect.
- Gain understanding of what a healthy relationship, body and mind look and feel like.
- Understand what it means to be a good friend.
- Know how to stay safe on and offline.
- Know how to question, suggest and ask.
- Be able to consider and respect viewpoints that may be different from their own.
- Understand how to stay safe and the steps they can take if feeling unsafe, worried or concerned about something.
- Understand how their learning in PSHE links to the wider world of work.
- Meet the relevant end of key stage expectations outlined in the National curriculum for PSHE at the end of Key stage 2.
- Leave Frimley emotionally ready for their next journey; they will be equipped with the power, tools and knowledge to stay safe and make good choices.